Meadow Turf for a Ready Made Instant Meadow
Create an instant meadow with our wildflower meadow turf. Creating a meadow with seed takes time and the results can be unpredictable whereas with meadow turf, the hard work is done for you.
Features & benefits
Instantly establish a Wildflower meadow
100% plastic-free felt base supports the established plants
Optimal establishment conditions thanks to carefully planned seed density planting
Minimal maintenance needed once the roots start to grow into the soil beneath which is achieved by daily watering for the first few weeks during the establishment period. Once established, one or two cuts per year is recommended
Best Uses
Home gardens
Commercial landscaping
Green roofs
Projects that require an instant wildflower meadow
Specification Guidance Notes
Sown Mixtures
Achullea Millefolium - Yarrow, Centaurea Scabiosa - Greater Knapweed, Daucus Carota - Wild Carrot, Filipendula ulmaria - Meadowsweet, Galium album (Galium Mollugo) - Hedge Bedstraw, Galium Verum - Lady's Bedstraw, Knautia arvensis - Field Scabious, Leontodon hispidus - Rough Hawkbit, Leucanthemum Vulgare - Oxeye Daisy, Lotus Corniculatus - Birdsfoot Trefoil, Origanum Vulgare - Wild Marjoram , Plantago Lanceolata - Ribwort Plantain, Plantago Media - Hoary Plantain, Poterium Sanguisorba (Sanguisorba Minor) - Salad Burnet, Primula Veris - Cowslip, Prunella Vulgaris - Selfheal, Rhinanthus Minor - Yellow Rattle, Silene Dioica - Red Campion, Silene Flos-cuculi (Lychnis flos-cuculi) - Pink Ragged Robin, Silene Vulgaris - Bladder Campion, Echium Vulgare - Viper's Bugloss, Allium Schoenoprasum - Chives, Veronica Spicata - Spiked Speedwell, Linaria Vulgaris - Toadflax, Thymus Vulgare - Common Thyme, Dianthus Carthusianorum - Carthusian Pink, Lychnis Flos Cuculi - White Ragged Robin.
Size & weight
0.8m width x 1m length. Approximately 15KG per square metre when moist. Approximately 22KG per square metre when saturated.
Growing Matt 450g per square metre plastic free and biodegradable felt.
150mm biodegradable fixing pegs (For slopes we would recommend 1-3 per square metre dependant on the gradient).