Wildflower - SuDS Turf
A mixture of wildflowers, herbs and flowering perennials, specifically designed for Sustainable urban Drainage Systems.
Our Wildflower SuDS turf is the perfect solution for enhancing biodiversity in wildflower turf areas, ideal for slopes, banks, damp soils, and the margins of ponds, streams, or Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS). It is crafted with a plastic-free biodegradable mat, enabling quick "planting" and the establishment of a diverse array of plant species. This innovative turf begins its beneficial impact as soon as it is laid on the ground, with ongoing improvements over time. The initial planting layer effectively minimises erosion caused by rainfall, while the roots of the plants enhance soil stability as they grow and develop. Simultaneously, the vegetation attracts and sustains a diverse range of wildlife.
This product provides a significant boost to wildlife, attracting insects, amphibians, small mammals, and birds with a rich source of food and shelter. Additionally, our Wildflower SuDS turf creates a thriving wildlife habitat without the need for chemical treatments, artificial fertilisers, or frequent cutting. It is important to note that this product thrives in low fertility soil conditions.
Features & benefits
Grown into 100% plastic free recycled biodegradable mat
Attractive mixture of wildflowers, herbs and flowering perennials
Prolonged flowering period, from April - early winter
Flowering height 30-80cm
Combines drought tolerant aspects with colour and ecological benefits of wildflowers and other species
Specification Guidance Notes
Sown Mixtures
Achullea Millefolium - Yarrow, Centaurea Scabiosa- Greater Knapweed, Daucus Carota - Wild Carrot, Filipendula ulmaria - Meadowsweet, Galium album - (Galium Mollugo) - Hedge Bedstraw, Galium Verum - Lady's Bedstraw, Knautia arvensis - Field Scabious, Leontodon hispidus - Rough Hawkbit, Leucanthemum Vulgare - Oxeye Daisy, Lotus Corniculatus - Birdsfoot Trefoil, Origanum Vulgare - Wild Marjoram, Plantago Lanceolata - Ribwort Plantain, Plantago Media - Hoary Plantain, Poterium Sanguisorba - (Sanguisorba Minor) - Salad Burnet, Primula Veris - Cowslip, Prunella Vulgaris - Selfheal, Rhinanthus Minor - Yellow Rattle, Silene Dioica - Red Campion, Silene Flos-cuculi - (Lychnis flos-cuculi) - Pink Ragged Robin, Silene Vulgaris - Bladder Campion, Echium Vulgare - Viper's Bugloss, Allium Schoenoprasum - Chives, Veronica Spicata - Spiked Speedwell, Linaria Vulgaris - Toadflax, Thymus Vulgare - Common Thyme, Dianthus Carthusianorum - Carthusian Pink, Lychnis Flos Cuculi - White Ragged Robin.
Size & weight
0.8 x 1m. 550g/m2 material 25mm Thickness. Saturated Weight 25kg per square metre.
1-2 cuts per year at the end of the flowering period and an optional cut in spring. Removing all cuttings from the roof. Weed when necessary. Through dry/warm periods, water manually or by a watering system.