Cranbourne School


Cranbourne School had a felt roof with air-conditioning units on top in an area of their building. This was visible from school windows and deemed to be unattractive.

The school decided to disguise their air conditioning units and create a feature that the children could enjoy viewing.

Lindum's Wildflower Mat was chosen for the site because it is visually impressive, requires little maintenance and is designed to flourish in dry conditions.


‘‘The feedback we have had from the architect and the school has been really positive. I think they have been pleasantly surprised at the results of installing this system. We were really pleased to be involved with the Cranbourne School scheme and the results are truly stunning. Having a wildflower "meadow" on an otherwise lacklustre felt roof has transformed the roof space into a wildlife haven, and through the summer months the roof comes alive with bees and butterflies. It's really refreshing and rewarding to be installing a green roof which actually brings an ecological benefit to the roof space".

Bennetton, Landmark Living Roofs